👩🏻‍⚕️ Insight: A Multi-Modal Diagnostic Pipeline using LLMs for Ocular Surface Disease Diagnosis


1UC Berkeley, 2Caltech, 3UC Davis, 4HKU, 5CRC, UC Berkeley

TL;DR: We introduce a multi-modal diagnostic pipeline, MDPipe, by employing large language models (LLMs) for ocular surface disease diagnosis.


Accurate diagnosis of ocular surface diseases is critical in optometry and ophthalmology, which hinge on integrating clinical data sources (e.g., meibography imaging and clinical metadata). Traditional human assessments lack precision in quantifying clinical observations, while current machine-based methods often treat diagnoses as multi-class classification problems, limiting the diagnoses to a predefined closed-set of curated answers without reasoning the clinical relevance of each variable to the diagnosis. To tackle these challenges, we introduce an innovative multi-modal diagnostic pipeline (MDPipe) by employing large language models (LLMs) for ocular surface disease diagnosis. We first employ a visual translator to interpret meibography images by converting them into quantifiable morphology data, facilitating their integration with clinical metadata and enabling the communication of nuanced medical insight to LLMs. To further advance this communication, we introduce a LLM-based summarizer to contextualize the insight from the combined morphology and clinical metadata, and generate clinical report summaries. Finally, we refine the LLMs' reasoning ability with domain-specific insight from real-life clinician diagnoses. Our evaluation across diverse ocular surface disease diagnosis benchmarks demonstrates that MDPipe outperforms existing standards, including GPT-4, and provides clinically sound rationales for diagnoses.

MLLMs Have Shortcomings? We Apply Visual Translator


    (a) Limitations of current MLLMs in processing visual data, (b) Our visual translator V is designed to interpret visual data I by converting them into quantifiable MG morphology data

LLM-based Clinical Report Summarizer


    We employed an LLM-based summarizer to generate Q&A clinical reports (via GPT-4) to contextualize insights from both the non-narrative clinical metadata and MG morphology to enhance LLMs' learning capability.

User (Clinician) Preference Study - MDPipe vs GPT-4


    Comparative evaluation and clinician study between MDPipe and GPT-4. Five clinicians were masked as to which model produced each output, and then asked to read and rate the two models' output on a scale from 1 (poor) to 5 (best) regarding 1) clinical accuracy, 2) diagnostic completeness, 3) diagnostic rationale, and 4) the model's robustness to handle ambiguous or incomplete patient data.
